My library blog

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I was playing on myspace trying to get the hang of things there and came across this video...which made me think of one of my friends...

Get this video and more at

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Wiki, Wiki, Wiki...

I could really get to like this wiki stuff...I looked on several different sites and tried to edit a few...I did manage to put my blog on the PLCMC sandbox wiki as well as a few of my favorite TV shows...very cool.... think this could be a great tool for book reviews in libraries as well as a way for a group to work on documents like the procedure manual...wouldn't it be great for the whole group to add things to the document without having to show up for long meetings...they could get it done in their spare time or discuss it on the wiki...or even just put out the key points they would like to cover and open it up for the staff to add to with the committee getting the final say on everything...I can see so many possible personal uses as well...I am sure we could all think of many ways to make use of such a tool...

What is in store...?

I keep thinking about the future of libraries...I do believe that there is a future, but it will all depend on what the public is willing to pay for...I don't believe they will be willing to fund a library that just keeps books and other media for the public...I truly think that our future is in how we can manage to use the technology available to our benefit and the benefit of the taxpayers...I think that our newer users and future taxpayers will be willing to fund a library that caters to what they enjoy doing...We will need to keep up with the times...That does not mean going out and purchasing all the latest fad technology...It means being willing to try new things and adapt what we can for the use of the public... It is not easy to keep up with the changes sometimes, but if we can have to foresight to see what is going to stick around longer and ignore the fads that fade, we should be able to have a long bright future...

Monday, September 18, 2006


I am finding that I really enjoy blogging a lot more than I originally thought I would when I started over a year ago...I have not been as steadfast about posting, but I do find that I enjoy posting my thoughts and being able to read them at a later date and see what others may think if they have any thoughts at all on what I have posted....

Is this a narcissistic tendency that I didn't know I had? Or an act of exhibitionism I never would have guessed that I might be inclined towards? I frankly do not know, nor do I care...The important thing for me is that I am enjoying it and will keep doing it until I decide otherwise...

Friday, September 08, 2006


I have been using ....bloglines for a few months has kept me up to date on some things...which is really cool...on the flip side, I may have over-fed myself...I am finding that I don't always have time to read all of the articles that I wish to read...I end up checking them to keep them new and then may or may not get back to them in a timely is great to have that option...I have deleted changed the feeds I have around as well and organized them in a fashion that fits with my style...granted, I do have a few extra feeds with the learning 2.0 feed and the other stuff that I sift through for just one or two articles...but I am finding that I can work within the limits of the program to fit my needs...some of the other feeds I have picked up are Librarians Internet Index, Information Wants to be Free, The Shifted Librarian, and of course Library Crunch and Tame the Web. I also get my horoscope and upcoming events and movie reviews...I don't really even have to read the paper, but I still like doing the Suduko at home in ink rather than online.


Since I was lucky enough to receive an MP3 player for my birthday, I downloaded a short book to try and listen to while riding my exercise bike...I love how quickly the books download and once I got the hang of putting things onto the MP3 player, I really went to town...I do wish that more of the authors I wish to listen to were available, but I know that more are added everyday...

Thursday, September 07, 2006


I am still not overly fond of Rollyo, but I can see uses for it, especially around the Holidays for my shopping. I love comparison shopping and it may be easier to do with Rollyo than by going to each indiviual website and checking. I know it is good to try new things, but not always as easy to want to use them repeatedly when we are used to the old ways. I am trying to break out of my box. Actually, I am not sure where I put my box, but that is not here or there.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Social tags and technorati

What a cool thing that I can click on crocodile hunter and get a list of articles and blogs about Steve Irwin. I had never really thought of tagging my items, maybe I don't feel what I have to say is important enough for others to really want to look at.

I haven't gotten over the fact that I am keeping a diary online yet either. Funny to have my thoughts displayed to anyone who cares to look at them for the most part. I know that I can make the posts private if I wish, but it is not the same as writing in the little notebook I keep by my bed. I never thought that I would write the same things online that I would in that little book, but I have not really entered anything there since I got my LJ account. Now I have to rethink tagging my entries both on my blogs and on flickr...hmmm...

How much do I really care what the world knows about me?