I think this is it...
I think I may have finally finished....
Ok, it was a much longer journey that I originally thought it would be. I thought that I was very open to new things, but I found out along the way, that I sometimes am a little stubborn about the way I do things. I like Google. I can't help that, I did try many other new things Rollyo, Librarything, and YouTube that I never would have tried. I liked quite a few, and disliked a few others. It has been a very eye-opening experience in many ways. I have watched my co-workers as they have learned the things on the journey. We have worked together and apart, in that respect it was a lot of fun, we helped each other learn new things.
I am hoping that we will all continue to explore what is available on-line and share it with each other. I love it when I find something new that I just have to share with my friends and vice-versa.
The incentive was a great way to get people started, but I think the learning experience and the support for it was a great way to keep people going, at least for me it was. Now maybe I can keep up with my kids, at least I will have a clue what they are talking about.
The only downside to this project is that I am finding way too many things to occupy my time online when I should probably pay more attention to a few things around the house, like cleaning and sleeping.

I would do it all over again, only I would try to find more time to share with everyone my findings.
Not sure this is the end or the beginning of something new and exciting.....
Congratulations you did indeed to it!! And I'm please to say that your MP3 player is on the way. As for more dicoveries in the future? I hope we continue too! Cause I think I've learned of as many new sites and tools as I've shared. I think that's the beauty of learning. It seems to make sense more if you share it with others. Thanks again for joining in this journey.
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