My library blog

Friday, December 01, 2006

24th Thing

Ok, I know I should have been on the ball this week and posted something earlier, but it has been a week for me...

I chose for my 24th thing to master the art or science of Wiki...I had trouble and still cannot figure out how to make, edit or even successfully navigate through a Wiki, so I am going to make the effort to learn all I can about how to do these things.

I tried setting up my own Wiki on PBWiki, but it is pretty much a failed effort. I will start by reading up on the subject and see where I get from there....

Wish me luck


At 2:18 PM, Blogger Lori said...

I'm going to be teaching classes on our new wiki, Confluence. Want to help?

At 6:50 PM, Blogger dew said...

Why didn't PBwiki work for you?

David Weekly
CEO of PBwiki

At 11:35 AM, Blogger MissKat said...

I am not sure why I had trouble with PBwiki...I couldn't attach pictures or other things...I set it up as a wiki for a reunion trip for a few friends from HS, but if I cannot add to it, how can anyone else...there may have been too much going on in my life at the time...

Lori, I would love to help, but am probably as lost as any of the of yet at least...


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